Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Heckled During Public Transit Meeting: ‘You Need to Resign! You’re a Disgrace!’

During a public meeting about the ambitious $9 billion transit plan at Watkins College in Bordeaux Monday, Nashville Mayor Megan Barry was heckled by a lone protester, who stood up and yelled, “You need to resign!”

“You need to leave because we are trying to talk about transit,” Barry retorted.

As the man was quickly led out of the sparsely attended meeting, he said, “You need to resign! You’re a disgrace. You’re an embarrassment…. I voted for you – you’re a disgrace.”

WKRN cameras were rolling and caught the entire incident on video.

Citizens in and around Nashville and across the state have been roiled by a series of tawdry revelations after Barry admitted to a years-long affair with her chief of security, former Sgt. Rob Forrest.

Concerns over the possible misuse of public funds to carry on, and then cover up the Mayor’s dalliance has sparked several investigations by different state and city agencies including the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations, the Metro Board of Ethical Conduct, and a Metro Council Special Committee.

As The Tennessee Star previously reported:

It also highlights a growing concern about a lack of checks and balances and the failure to apply standard internal controls to financial and personnel operations within Metro Nashville Davidson County Government during Barry’s tenure.

At least five other examples of these failures have come light in the month since Mayor Barry admitted to an extramarital affair with her former bodyguard.

  • The so-called “computer glitch” in which for more than a year and a half Metro Nashville Davidson County Government’s information system failed to properly identify the first-line approver of Forrest’s travel requests as the Mayor’s Chief of Staff, Debbie Mason, and instead falsely identified that first-line approver as Police Chief Steve Anderson.
  • The failure of Metro Nashville Police Department’s internal approval process–going through Captain Mike Anderson of the Special Investigations Division–to identify irregularities in the overtime requests submitted by Barry’s lover, Sgt. Rob Forrest.
  • The unusual manner in which Sgt. Forrest’s daughter, Macy Amos, obtained a job in Metro Legal created specifically for her in which no other candidate was interviewed.
  • The apparent gift of travel in September 2017 to Athens, Greece provided to Mayor Barry by the Rockefeller Foundation-funded 100 Resilient Cities initiative, (a trip on which she was accompanied only by her lover, Sgt. Forrest), which took place shortly after Barry used city funds to establish a new Chief Resilience Officer, Erik Cole, a key policy objective of the 100 Resilient Cities initiative.
  • Unusual patterns of promotions in other parts of Metro Nashville Davidson County Government that sources tell The Star have not yet been reported, but are nonetheless worthy of investigation.

The disturbing pattern of facts presented by Mayor Barry’s extramarital affair and the long litany of actions lacking appropriate checks and balances on her power undertaken during her tenure suggest that the Metro Nashville Davidson County Government has become a vehicle designed to advance the mayor’s personal ambitions and national political agenda rather than a servant of the residents of Davidson County.



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9 Thoughts to “Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Heckled During Public Transit Meeting: ‘You Need to Resign! You’re a Disgrace!’”

  1. David Myers

    Cher’s song, Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves, should be played before every one of her appearances!

  2. Floyd

    Being assigned to her security detail has replaced the green mile.

  3. lb

    There was a damning twitter thread I saw yesterday-apparently a brother and sister (black) were at that meeting and were SLAMMING the mayor’s aides. When this started and other hard questions were being asked, she had these two black aides try to tamp down criticisms. She stepped back and was reported she scrammed out of the back door after 40 minutes–real profile in courage there mayoress

  4. Wayne Sawyer

    So now the job of the MNPD security detail for Mayor Moonbeam is to shut off the First Amendment rights of Nashville citizens. The Mayor does not have the power to decide what conversation will be allowed when she shows up for her scripted neighborhood meetings. The citizen voicing his concern was not threatening the mayor or anyone else. He was only giving her GOOD advise, which she has failed to accept from many Nashville citizens. Where is the ACLU? On that’s right, the mayor’s husband is in their pocket. RESIGN Moonbean ! You have disgraced our great city with your adulterous actions. Some have forgiven you, Mayor, but have lost their confidence and faith in you. Just because you and Bruce can still look at each other, please spare us and RESIGN.

  5. Kevin

    I wouldn’t put it past Moonbeam to have orchestrated this lone wolf heckler, as she continues to play the victim card! She will try anyhing to save her royal behind!

    Resign NOW, skank!

  6. Brian McMurphy

    She’s the one who needed to be led put of the auditorium.

    Her blatant pandering to the black community to save her pudgy white skin is sickening.

    She was going to close the hospital with the wave of her hand and didn’t even discuss it with anyone like the tyrant she is.

    Now that she’s in deep trouble, she acts like she’s the President of Fisk, the NAACP, and a backup singer for Earth, Wind and Fire.

    You’re fooling no one you bag of snacks

    1. Jamse Sheffield

      Brian, Exactly what I have been saying.

    2. Wolf Woman

      Couldn’t have said it any better. Thanks, Brian
